Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My many moments...

I am typing in blue today because i feel rather melodramatic! Some times i get into these little spells where im just a little down and out :( Today one of my great friends left to go with her very handsome husband to hawaii for the next 3 yrs... I think it was kinda a sad day for everyone who knows her and how great she is. Even though she will have great experience, make wonderful new native friends and will send me great pictures and we will mail each other new things all the time i will still miss her! I dont get to see my friends often and now i really wont get to see her for a while! So that is reason one why im feelin a little soggy today...

Reason two is idk. i miss my steven a lot, i have tuns of homework that i need to be working on and i honestly cant find the motivation to get anything done. My body has been acting funny for a while and ive been sick for about a mth now and quite frankly i just want to feel better! This whole being bloated, feeling nauseated, having headaches, and semi mild cramps is for the birds! it may just be a gaint case of PMS! or i could be dying. but either way i wish to feel better. 

And hopefully if not this weekend maybe sometime in the near future of the October month i will buy tickets to go to spooky woods! They have a new Zip Line that looks really fun! and they have added a few new attractions! i didn't get to make it to any haunted things last year so hopefully this yr i can go to as many as i want to! Honestly i think i just need to do something for myself. I'm working, dealing with a store i hate with a manager who is a 2 faced back stabber and i need a break. And i need to hurry up and be transferred back to my old store PRONTO! before a smack down happens in Burlington! So basically i dont feel like me! I need a tall glass of ice cold water and a nap!