Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My love for Walmart!

If you didn't know this about me I have a strong love for Walmart. It's more of a obsession really. It has went so far that i actually bought (at Walmart) a sign for my fiancee that says "When I die bury me at Walmart so my wife will visit!"

My Walmart thing started as a small baby. Because every Saturday mawmaw and great granny would take me to at least 2 Walmarts. My great granny had such a obsession that she would wake up and start calling my mawmaw at about 7am asking when she was coming to pick her up so she could go to Walmart. The sad thing is that SHE NEVER BOUGHT ANYTHING! But the occasional 2 Liter Pepsi. AND I SO THE SAME THING! Minus the 2 Liter Pepsi. I will go to a Walmart in my free time and i literally spend about 2 good hrs just LOOKING! No exaggeration if you could only see me. I will walk around with a empty buggy and look at everything. I usually start in the pet supply area and make my rounds through the whole store. Sure my buggy will be loaded to the top by time i get finished but im also the person at the register that puts everything on the magazine racks. They HATE me. Because i will have shoes and shirts and cat food maybe some yarn. And then at the last minute I put everything back but the yarn. After 2 hrs I only buy yarn! 

So for everyone who hates the task of going shopping with Kellie. Because 99.9 percent of the time we end up at Walmart. Blame it on Mawmaw and Granny! Because those two together were a freak force of nature. My granny could sniff out every Walmart in a tri-state area! AND that was back before the big internet boom and map quest and gps were thought of. She was good! I can never hope to be her successor but I like to think I'm pretty darn close! 



  1. I love walmart too my friend....yes - yes I do. :)

  2. It is a amazing place of wonder.

  3. I have a friend who could "sniff" out Wal Mart's too. I remember going somewhere with her one time and I think we stopped at 4-5 WalMart's on the way home. I was pooped!

  4. sounds like my kind of women! LOL
