My English tutor says that im a natural with writing! and that i should have no problem when it comes to making my paper go over and above the expectations! But what i want to know is if this lady thinks im so great and i have a natural talent for writing out my expressions and thoughts then why have i always failed every paper ive written?
And i made a new friend today at work. Well ive been working with her for about a month but we never really talked. And we talked today! and she is really funny! and once we start joking around there is non-stop laughter in the deli department. And honestly that is what i need! If i am having to work at a job that i hate as a way to pay my bills through college then i atleast need someone there for me to crack up with and make it seem a little less like work! And then i couldnt get the fryer to filter at work today because some butt heads keep doing it wrong so when i go to do it it messes up! Thanks alot geniuses! So i was getting really mad after about my 100,000 time trying to get the nasty stuff to come up the tube and here walks in my manager! She comes over and i said that if she could get it to work she might as well shoot me in my foot because i have been messing with it for about an hr! Well the heifer did the exact same thing i did and it worked! i was so pissed! OMG it hates me! well i hate it and its nasty oil and nasty fried foods anyways! haha
So i put in a application at Petsmart earlier this week. Yesterday i drove by one and stopped in and talked to the manager! EVERY ONE PRAY I GET THIS JOB! i would love it and have so much fun!!! I would start out as a dog washer! making a little less then what i am now! And then in 3 mths if i showed quailty signs they would move me up to dog groomer! and they would send me to school and everything to learn the ins and outs of grooming! Im really excited because this is what im going to school for which is animal care! and if i could get a job working with animals doing anything i would be so happy!!! So hopefully they call me back for a interview because i will deff go over there again and talk to them all over again haha!!!!